Taking cash tips worried me. As a small owner operator I was both unsure of how to install a suitable Tronc system and was worried about not being compliant with HMRC

Kobe Coffee

Taking cash tips worried me. As a small owner operator I was both unsure of how to install a suitable Tronc system and was worried about not being compliant with HMRC

Owner - Kobe Cafe

As a small business, when it comes to accepting cash tips we wanted to make sure we were absolutely compliant with the most recent HMRC regulations. Pre-Covid we made the decision to accept cash tips but we had to spend time making sure the system we had in place was correct. We decided, like most to distribute tips through staff payroll. This means there are added costs such national insurance and tax to consider. Plus there is a management cost associated with counting and management received tips, something we didn’t like being such a small business.

Tip Pot solved a couple of keys issues for us. The system means we can receive cashless tips, so no more time counting cash. If we want to, we can also distribute the received cash form tips straight to our staff.

Before Coronavirus we received a lot of cash tips but once we reopened we were worried about our staff receiving cash


Before Coronavirus we received a lot of cash tips but once we reopened we were worried about our staff receiving cash

Owner - Sorella

Pre-Covid our staff would regularly receive cash tips and in some it made up a significant amount of their shift earnings. We didn’t want our staff to suffer financially as a result of our new risk assessment. But we also couldn’t take any chances at all clearly the safety of our staff is priority. We needed to find a solution to cashless tipping due to the risk of infection. We were worried about our customers having to download yet another app but it turns out Tip Pot is very different due to tipping being something you do retrospectively. Once aware of the new system our customers have no issue in regularly leaving cashless tips.

I didn’t take tips as we didn’t handle cash at The Goodness

The Goodness Brewing Company

I didn’t take tips as we didn’t handle cash at The Goodness

Owner - the Goodness Brewing Company

We are a completely cashless business and didn’t opt for the PDQ gratuity function. We decided to go cashless for lots of reasons including security, staff safety and to make things more efficient in our taproom.

Of course my staff weren’t happy about not being able to take tips, but I had looked into the option on the PDQ gratuity approach and the admin required to both reconcile and distribute tips meant doing this task every week/month just wasn’t viable for a business of our size.

I was made aware of cashless tipping and initially dismissed it as being no different to PDQ tipping. However, after trying out the service it’s not quite the same. The main differences for me were the fact that the amount of handle turning required to distribute tips was much less plus staff morale was increased significantly by us making the subtle change of now being able to accept cashless tips.